Herbs that increase potency are natural herbal remedies that help to cope with the problems of male sexuality and the ability to have sexual intercourse. Let's take a look at what herbs are, how to prepare them correctly, and how effective the treatment of potency problems is with herbs.

Herbs that increase potency have gained particular popularity over the past decade. The reason for the demand for herbal remedies is the minimal side effects on the body, the rich composition and a wide range of therapeutic actions. Furthermore, herbs are natural plants that do not contain artificial components that cause allergic reactions and other side effects. Herbal treatment is a convenient method for everyone that can be used at home and achieve the expected therapeutic effect. Let's take a look at the benefits of herbal potency treatment.
- Savings: Herbs and herbal preparations are inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy. This makes herbal treatment accessible to everyone.
- The result of treatment is that herbs, unlike drugs that have a short effect, allow you to completely get rid of problems with potency (weak erection or its absence, premature ejaculation, low libido), subject to a healthy lifestyle and a Proper nutrition.
- With herbal treatment, side effects are absent, and if they appear, they are minimal and occur due to improper use of the remedy. But drugs that treat potency have a number of undesirable side reactions that negatively affect the functioning of individual organs and the body as a whole.
But herbs that increase potency, like any other medicine and medicine, require compliance with the rules. This is necessary to prevent possible adverse reactions and achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. Let's take a look at the basic recommendations for proper herbal treatment.
- Herbal treatment can only be started after diagnosis by a doctor and authorization for herbal treatment. At the same time, the doctor himself prescribes herbs and herbal preparations that will help in the treatment. There are no single herbs that are equally effective for different patients in treating one disease. Also, the doctor will help diagnose contraindications to certain plants.
- When dealing with problems with potency, one type of treatment must be adhered to. This is taking medication or treatment by folk methods. Most often, the interaction of different drugs with different principles of action causes adverse reactions and adverse symptoms.
- Herbs that increase potency are safe for the body, but their therapeutic effect can only be seen after a full course of treatment. Therefore, do not expect magical results after the first glass of herbal decoction or infusion.
- When dealing with herbs, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, it will not be superfluous to quit smoking. During treatment, it is necessary to adhere to dietary nutrition, as it will help mobilize the body's strength and reserves in the process of restoring potency.
What herbs increase potency?
Which herbs increase potency is a pressing issue for men facing this problem. The treatment of potency problems with herbs is being used more and more often. Today, many men have erectile dysfunction, which manifests itself in symptoms such as premature ejaculation, decreased libido, weak erection. Note that the problem with potency does not depend on age, but is often associated with dietary and psychological problems. Let's take a look at which herbs increase potency.
- Siberian ginseng - helps restore libido, has a preventive effect on the cardiovascular system.
- Lemongrass - treats erection disorders, most often used in herbal preparations for the treatment of impotence. The plant stimulates the immune system and ensures normal blood circulation.
- Saw Palmetto is a herb that has been used to treat sexual problems since the Native Americans. The herb helps in the treatment of potency, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens muscles. As a rule, doctors prescribe Pila Palmetto for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and prostate.
- Hawthorn - a plant improves blood flow to the genitals, which helps in the treatment of potency. Hawthorn is the most popular herbal remedy for potency problems in Germany.
- Ginkgo Biloba is another very popular medicinal herb in China. It is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, problems with potency, increases blood flow to the brain and genitals.
- Catuaba is a real herbal aphrodisiac. Increases sexual functions, both in men and women. Used to treat premature ejaculation.
- Yohimbe - the plant is called herbal Viagra, but without side effects. Increases libido, stimulates potency, increases the duration of sexual intercourse. On the basis of this herb, the most effective drugs are produced that help cure potency problems.
These are not all medicinal herbs that increase potency. So, for example, nettle helps prolong erections and wild oats increase stamina and strength during sexual intercourse.
Dubrovnik herb for potency
Dubrovnik herb for its potency is appreciated for its effectiveness and wide spectrum of action. The herb contains many active trace elements, tannins and essential oils.
- Dubrovnik has anti-inflammatory, tonic, antimicrobial and restorative effects.
- The plant stimulates the appetite and increases potency. The herb is used as a gastric remedy for the treatment of diseases of the intestine and gallbladder.
- Dubrovnik helps in the treatment of gout and bronchitis. The plant is used in the treatment of the genitourinary system, both in women and in men.
To increase potency, dubrovnik is used in the form of a decoction. The plant has a diaphoretic and mild laxative effect, so it is not recommended for people with diarrhea. The plant is contraindicated for use by people suffering from kidney failure and any other kidney disease. As for side effects, the plant has none.
Ginger to increase potency
Ginger has been used to increase potency since ancient times and is considered a true "fruit of love". With its medicinal effectiveness, it is not inferior to Viagra, but at the same time perfectly tones the body, cures many diseases and is an excellent general tonic. In its composition, the plant contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential oils, which create an amazing healing effect.
The therapeutic effect for potency is due to the action of essential oils and amino acids, which increase blood circulation, ensuring the normal functioning of the genitals and limbs. Due to this, the erogenous zones become more sensitive and the tone of the body increases. Additionally, ginger increases sexual desire and is a recognized aphrodisiac. A positive effect for potency will be if the plant is taken regularly. As ginger root increases the level of testosterone in the blood and increases libido. Ginger is equally useful both fresh and dried and pickled.
But ginger has a number of contraindications for use. The use of the plant is prohibited for people with ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes that are accompanied by high fever, kidney stones, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Based on ginger, many medicines are produced that improve erection and potency.
Collection of herbs for potency
The collection of herbs for potency is a herbal remedy that consists of the most effective and effective herbs that have a beneficial effect on male potency and power. Let's take a look at the most popular herbs for potency.
- A popular herbal collection of mint, St. John's wort and nettle. All herbal ingredients are taken in equal quantities (one tablespoon) and poured with a liter of boiling water. I insist on harvesting for 20-30 minutes, after which it is filtered and consumed throughout the day.
- From the leaves of currant, raspberry and strawberry, you can prepare a collection of herbs that will help you with potency. The leaves must be dried, enough for 20 g. The harvest is poured with boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After this, the broth must be filtered and drunk in a glass before each meal.
- Dried rosehips and rowan berries are used to make a tonic that increases potency. Take a tablespoon of mountain ash and rose hips, pour boiling water and leave to stand for at least six hours. Take half a glass during the day, carry out prevention every other day.
- Medicinal aloe and parsley seeds are found in many collections to increase potency. The aloe must be crushed, after having peeled the peel and mixed with a tablespoon of parsley and dog rose seeds. Insist on harvesting the red wine for two weeks. Take three times a day for one tablespoon.
Decoctions to increase potency
Potency enhancing decoctions are traditional medicine that helps restore male power with the help of natural herbal ingredients. It is recommended to prepare herbal decoctions in enameled dishes, so that the active ingredients do not come into contact with the metal of the walls of the dishes. Let's take a look at the most effective decoctions for increasing potency.
- Pour boiling water over dried cilantro and parsley and insist in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. The decoction should be drunk before meals for half a cup.
- Take the chopped parsnips 4-5 tablespoons and 6 tablespoons of sugar, mix and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The broth should be boiled over low heat and insisted for 6-9 hours. Take a decoction of one tablespoon up to 4 times a day. Treatment should not exceed 4 weeks.
- Pour a tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath. You need to drink a decoction for 10 days before each meal.
- From the roots of aralia, an effective remedy is prepared to increase potency and libido. Mix a tablespoon of the plant and 50 ml of alcohol. Infuse the remedy for 10 days in a dark and cool place. Take for two weeks, 10-15 drops twice a day.
- Calamus has tonic properties and has a positive effect on potency and erection. Pour a tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink 50 ml before meals.
The best herbs for potency
The best herbs for potency have a tonic, stimulating and firming effect, strengthen male power and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. For example, aloe juice increases potency by normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- If problems with potency occur against the background of diseases or inflammation of the genitourinary system, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory herbs and plants are used for recovery. Horse chestnut has such properties. The plant not only stimulates potency, but also cures prostatitis, improves blood circulation and reduces the stagnation of venous blood in the genitals.
- Herbs that have a tonic and tonic effect, that is, ginger, licorice, lovage, are responsible for the normal course of sexual intercourse and timely ejaculation. Ginger promotes the formation of viable sperm.
- If problems with potency occur against the background of neurological problems, it is recommended to take decoctions and infusions of ginseng, mint and valerian. Herbs will increase libido and sex drive while reducing depression. But nettle and oats allow you to prolong sexual intercourse, improving stamina and male potency.
Herbs that increase potency should be taken carefully, strictly follow the instructions for the preparation of decoctions and infusions and their dosage.